In my second collection of short fiction, Swan of Tuonela, several musical compositions are specifically mentioned. There's a piece that the composer Harold wrote for James. That turns out to be Music for a Poem. James wrote the poem, but it is lost. The music is still there, however. In real life, it was written by Raphael Dannatt. This performance uses an alto flute.
The Karg-Elert Caprices are mentioned, too. One Sunday afternoon, I played all of them in a perforance that was attended by every single Karg-Elert fan in Nashville, Tennessee. Here they are.
Harold goes on about how he loves Verdi despite his silliness. I've included one of those even sillier opera theme and variations from the 19th century. This is the Scena del Sonnambulismo from Verdi's Macbeth. Notice that despite Briccialdi's best efforts, my fingers never leave my hands.
The Orpheus Suite is not actually mentioned in my writing (so far), but I found a very nice performance by the composer (Cynthia Wyatt) and myself. It was originally written for solo harp but we wanted a version for two instruments to use for a colaboration with Tennessee Dance theater.